I’m Nikki Kelly and as a family we have developed Valley Wool in 2020, following a family conversation, Sol our then 14-year-old son, was trying to work out how much money he would need to save to self-fund his University plans, he would like to go to University to study to become a vet. As a family we are well aware of how hard he will have to work to get there. He is not shy of hard work. This is where Valley Wool started
To achieve this goal for Valley Wool we looked at all our skills and identified what is important to us. Sol is hard working, Nikki is arty crafty, Ned is supportive and eager to help and Rea is a mini me, she is always helpful and loves arts and craft so what to do with all this. On day my dear friend was talking about these beautiful rustic blankets and that she had a fantastic opportunity, we sat down over a coffee and and Valley Wool was born.
We are lucky enough to live in a fantastic village and one of our family’s values is working with local products and trading with local people, we feel that this is the golden thread which holds communities together. Our family have strong values in putting something back into our community. Valley Wool was taken to Holmfirth Market where it all began.
Sol Nikki Rea Ned
Sol is a typical teenage boy, he loves sports and animals, he is hard working and is regularly found chatting to a wide variety of people. He is ambitious and determined. He has taken Valley Wool to market and really enjoyed the whole experience.
Ned works for a local Butchers by day and support Valley Wool in all other ways. Ned is well loved and always helpful and will always go out of his way for people. He has served his country as a Royal Marine and in the Royal Air Force.
Rea, is too young to work however it is hard to stop her, she is a mix of the whole family, she is eager to help, she loved arts and crafts and very chatty so she runs Valley Wool.
I’m Nikki and by day I work as a children’s nurse, during my spare time I love creating things, arts and crafts and playing with my sewing machine. Valley Wool to me therefore, almost feels like a hobby and definitely rings true “Handmade with Love”
Our Furbabies also have a great deal of input with Valley Wool and help out with some of the quality assurance. Our blankets have passed the dog test of warm and snuggly.